NOOOOOO..... well time is running thin. I can't freaking believe that I have one week left on my mission. Triste (sad)...really. It hadn't really hit me until last night. I was thinking about my transfers in Brussels with Elder De Mass and the very special and fond memories that I have had. I realized how much I love Belgium. I don't really want to leave. I am excited to see family, especially my nieces and nephews ... But I am going to miss Belgium, there is just something special about it.
This week was pretty good. It was also very difficult because we have a VERY difficult missionary that lives with us and we had exchanges with him and his companion and that created some arguments and ridiculousness. Maybe it is the Lord's way of helping me be more excited to go home. Or maybe it is just the fact that I need to learn more love and patience for difficult people. Anywho other than that it was good.
This week was pretty good. It was also very difficult because we have a VERY difficult missionary that lives with us and we had exchanges with him and his companion and that created some arguments and ridiculousness. Maybe it is the Lord's way of helping me be more excited to go home. Or maybe it is just the fact that I need to learn more love and patience for difficult people. Anywho other than that it was good.
Tuesday Elder Berrett and I had to go to Brussels to get his legality. That was cool, but it kinda ate up our whole day. Elder Berrett is soooo good. There were other new missionaries there and they were all weird and annoying haha. So I was glad to have Elder Berrett. We also had a bunch of service this week. We helped this lady from the Ward move. That was fun. Let us just say that Europeans don't know how to freaking move.
Other than that, we have had a lot of time left for finding and porting. We did hours and hours on end of just talking to people. maybe the Lord is just helping me make up on all the time I missed out on finding and porting while I was Assistant and driving to the Netherlands etc.. Maybe.
Timothy is doing very well. He went out and bought a suit for church and also we taught him about the Priesthood this week and he got and interview with the Bishop and should get it next week.
Other fun news... I played piano in Sacrament meeting... How do you like me now...?? That is right. I'm cool. I learned myself the hymn, In Humility... just mainly the top hand, but the pianist is on vacation so there was no one to play so they asked us missionaries to play... and somehow I got roped into playing. It was less than spectacular, that is for dang sure.
Well, I am way excited to see everyone and very excited to show you the beauties of Belgium and share with you some of my life for the last two years. I feel like I have finally started my life. At the end of my mission I have come to realize how important the Gospel is. I look back before my mission.. and think, "Man I was stupid.. If only I had known all this before." Oh well, right.. At least I know it now... I am so thankful I came on a mission. I would be absolutely nowhere if I hadn't come.
Speaking of nowhere... I got a letter from Brett the other day and he told me that the last he heard.. Derek was in Jail for selling drugs and Greg had moved to New York with an 18 year old girl; Oh how different our lives are. I prefer mine... my future is looking better...
Thanks to everyone for all your love and support that you have given me on my mission. Thanks for all your great examples. Sorry for being such a jerk and kinda forgetting about all of you. I don't think I ever told anyone of you Happy Birthday or wrote you letters; I literally forgot about you a little.. so sorry, but thanks again!
I am super excited to get to go to President Brubakers house with Elder Schmutz and his parents. That will be SUPER SICK; I will try and set up some more appointments.. but I was just wondering when you would want to be in Charleroi and when you would want to be in Brussels. I will try to figure that out.
Also I have a question about my talk. Do I have a subject or not.... ??? Let me know that way I can begin thinking and pondering about it. Love you lots
Bisous (Kisses)
Elder Simonson
Enjoy! love ya
ELder Von