Monday, March 2, 2009


So this last week has been a really great one..some great miracles...
The week started out pretty good.  We had interviews with President.. which was great. I had a lot of things to ask him and he had a lot of things to tell me.. so I've got lots to work on. But one miracle that stood out above the rest was a wonderful lady from Morroco named Fatiha Asmana.. Elder Reynolds and I first contacted her like his last 2 weeks or something like that, anyway nothing really came of that because she was Muslim and she was telling us about Mohammed and all that fun stuff.. Well, like the first week with Elder Schmutz we contacted her and she was really cool and nice and she gave us her number so we called her and met her in a cafe near our house.. the rendez vous went pretty well, but she had a lot of questions and liked to tell us about Islam.. but.... we gave her the Book of Mormon and explained it and she loved it.. and was super interested in it.. so we gave her some stuff to read and set up another rendez vous..then the next week we felt like we should talk about the Plan of Salvation a little bit but, really focus on the fact that Jesus Christ is our Savior and not just a Prophet, because she said she had always thought that Jesus was more than a prophet and that there was something special about him.. so we did, and we gave her a bunch of stuff to read on the Atonement... Well, she called us on Tuesday saying she had read it and was wondering if there were things that she had to pay for or atone for.. and she said she hadn't slept well and just felt weird and bad since we had talked to her.. so she told us that she needed to see us soon... so we set up a rendez vous for the next day and she just had tons and tons of questions... we will just say that she has a very Muslim background and just doesn't understand a lot of base simple things.... well after the appointment on Thur. we didn't know exactly what to do.. well she continued to read in the Book of Mormon and she called us on Friday night wondering when and where church was because she wanted to come.. so Sunday morning she was there at the bus stop just waiting... well long story short... she loved church and felt so good afterwards and she totally changed after church... Then last night she sent us a text thanking us for taking her to church and saying that, "Well I don't know how to say it, but I think that Jesus Christ is the son of God and I think that he has entered into my heart and I feel protected"..and then she was like "thank you, God for putting me in your path".. It was sweet... If you understood Muslims you would be as excited as I am.. This lady is elect but we have to set up a meeting with Pres. and her to make sure we can continue teaching her.. she isn't practicing but .. ya still dangerous.. Anyway other news.. things have just been all coming together this week.. Heavenly Father has really been guiding his work.. We have been meeting with Anastasie and Valery and they had read in Alma 7 and they said it talked alot about baptism and how we need to be baptized to return to our Heavenly Father.. and then she was like, "Can we talk about baptism?" haha .. so we were like, "Well, ok if you want"... anyway so we set a baptismal date with them for the 11th of April but they have a lot to work on still... 
Well it was great to see the pictures of Emmy's baptism.. I can't freaking believe how much she has stinkin' grown up, it's insane.. she looks so much older in the face.. anyway things are going great.. but super super busy... and ya.. so sorry if I stink at letters and emails.. love you all talk to you later.

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